วันเกิด : 1983-12-02
ที่เกิด : ดีทรอยต์,มิชิแกน
เมืองที่เกิด : United States
:: ประวัติย่อ :: Born in Detroit Michigan, Jana started her acting career in high school where she studied with Stephen Black. While in Michigan Jana modeled for print work and worked on independent films like "dead un dead" and "approaching midnight".
She knew staying in Michigan wouldn't make her dream of an actress come true so she went to New York. While in New York Jana landed a few roles on the abc soap opera "All My Children". After only 6 months in New york, Jana knew that the next big step would be to move to LA to persue her career.
She did just that and has been successful every step of the way. After only being in LA for a year she landed a small role in an upcoming film "Blue Demond" and then landed the lead girl Katie in "Return of the Living Dead".
There are nothing but good things to come for her....she will for sure take LA by storm!
Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis(2006) ...เคที่