ชื่ออื่นๆ : เจย์
วันเกิด : 1973-12-30
ที่เกิด : มินิโซต้า
เมืองที่เกิด : United States
ส่วนสูง : 180
:: ประวัติย่อ :: Jason was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aside from being a series regular on Showtime's "Sherman Oaks" and ABC's "Push," Jason Behr has guest starred on a variety of television shows and has been in numerous stage plays. He has also performed in over 75 commercials. One such commercial Jason has been in is the Cloralit gum commercial titled "Body Search." It was produced by Great Guns for Italian chewing gum and aired all over Europe.
The Grudge(2004) ...ดอค